Behind 85 years of true service in the automobile industry, the Volvo car brand’s strong plan is the main reason. The brand logo is now recognized worldwide and became a point of pride. However, the reason for using the male symbol on the logo creates questions among car lovers.

In this article, you will get the answer to the main reason for using the male symbol on the Volvo automobile logo. To get the answer just complete the article.  

The Volvo logo male symbol – reasons

The first thing is first –

In combination with the automaker’s name, Volvo has been doing great in the automobile industry since April 1927. During this long walk, the logo has only seen some identical changes.

The Volvo identity used to be a combined selection between the SKF administration and the brand’s founders. They desired an easy-to-pronounce identity that may want to be spoken and typed around the world with zero possibilities of misspelling.

Volvo logo

It is believed that the name came from the root word volvere, which is a Latin word. In translation that means I roll. Means personal connection with the automobile.

Surprisingly, a top majority of car lovers have identified the Volvo logo’s appearance as similar to the male gender form, however, is that intentional or unintentional?

The doubt

The male gender icon came in historical Rome, used as the astrological image for Mars (that may be his sword and shield). During the period of the  Renaissance, it grew to become similar to the male gender (the image of Venus being the girl gender). But, alchemists apply these things for something else.

Scientists endured applying these things to point out iron and copper. Carolus Linnaeus was once the first to use the symbols to indicate male (the arrow) and woman (the cross). They appeared in Plantae hybrid (1751) concerning male and female plant parents.

The Volvo brand was once supposed to shape an affiliation with the iron enterprise and symbolize strength, alongside “safety, quality, and sturdiness. There is a slight connection with the traditional family business. You can rather call it inspiration. However, no direct mentions of any gender are found on the logo yet.

The reality

Yes, the Volvo symbol has a male gender symbol. But the company didn’t make the logo for making any gender-discriminatory issues. Rather than that, the company indicated the iron symbol through this particular design.

Another group rates the Volvo car logo as the most sexist one. The brand is a complete circle with an arrow on the upper right side pointing diagonally out of the pinnacle right. The title “Volvo” reads horizontally on the lower center of the circle.

The iron industry is strongly dominated by men. And people make speculations about the connection of male people between the logo design. However, the company never directly mentioned such a thing on the air.

Furthermore, the Volvo car is made for all. The company doesn’t have any gender discrimination either. Whether you are male or female, just enjoy the smooth run of the Volvo car.

To wrap it up

The Volvo’s emblem is supposed to symbolize iron, however like it or not, it’s additionally the man form. Though that doesn’t put Volvo on the chart of a sexist brand, it does provide an apparent manly symbol, marking Volvo as male.

The wonderful automobiles from Volvo have a high reputation. Although there were some controversies about the logo design, no strong wrong intention was found on behalf of the company. However, Volvo is a lovely and trusted car brand and has more popularity with female customers.